MOSA was codified into law in 2017 via the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Fiscal Year (FY) 17 Section 805 which became Title 10 U.S.C. 4401, 4402, 4403 with the intent of acquiring more interoperable and reconfigurable capabilities by fostering more competitive solutions at both the program and component level and opening the door to further collaboration between industry and government. Learn how to navigate MOSA to build your business and win more work.
(Additional details TBD)
Session 1: Keynote
Session 2: Fireside Chat, Featuring a discussion on initiatives and procurements that involve MOSA.
Session 3: From MOSA Requirement to Execution: Discussion on how to take an S&T requirement and transition into the acquisition process; end-to-end value stream.
Session 4: Validation of Requirements
Session 5: Modular Testing